
App Dev Platform

Strategy & Roadmap
Competitor Analysis

AI assisted application development platform to build applications quickly and safely

Pearls of silky soft white cotton, bubble up under vibrant lighting

What is Kisai

Kisai is an AI assisted appplication development platform that enables users to build applications quickly and safely.


To become the single platform that enables Product and Engineering teams to build applications collaboratively with minimal coding.

Target Customers

Kisai is ideally suitable for

  1. Startups who want to build applications quickly (not just MVPs but be able to scale applications from day 1)

  2. Mid-Size companies who have built a product but would like to expand thier offerings and want to build addtional products quickly

  3. Enterprises who want to bring together all thier internal apps and teams on a single platform to work together


Kisai is aimed for any users from minimum technology understanding to a professional developer who wants to build products quickly. Below are some of the key personas

  1. Business Users

    Business Users have expertise in their domain and have clarity on the requiremens of the product. They also have a vision on how the end user would be using the product. They understand technology however might not be able to write or understand code themselves however can build applications when provided with the right tools (no-code tools)

    Examples : Product Managers, Business Analysts

  2. Citizen Developers

    Citizen developers are empowered business users who understand thier domain and also have minimal technical expertise and can build applications if provided with the necessary IT backing through no-code, low-code tools.

    Examples Technical Product Managers , Tech Enthusiats

  3. Professional Developers

    Traditional devleopers have extensive coding knowledge and can build applications on thier own based on the requirements. These users want to build applications quickly and also need flexiblity through customizations. They would like to use no-code, low-code , pro-code tools to build thier applications.

    Examples Developers, Solopreneurs

Value Proposition

  1. Anyone can build , deploy and scale applications on Kisai.

    Based on the skill set of the user and thier need, Kisai provides tools to build thier solutions.

    1. A user with no technical knowledge can use Kisai’s No-Code & AI-Code tools like Drag n Drop Designers, Co-Pilots & Chatbots.
    2. A user with limited technical knowledge can use Kisai’s Low-Code & AI-Code tools like Code Editors, Designers, Co-Pilots & Chatbots
    3. A professional user can build applications using Pro-Code & AI-Code to build & scale apps using Workspaces, Code Editors and Co-Pilot

  1. Simplified Data Compliance

    Enabling data privacy laws like GDPR is just a configuration on Kisai. Users can enable it during design time itself through a simple toggle.

  1. Single source of truth for your data

    Kisai can integrate and be integrated with other applications easily through natural language prompts that helps users to connect to other systems easily.

Key Features

  1. Identity and Access Management

    Enable login and access to users in few steps using out-of-the-box authentication mechasims like password, OTP, SAML 2.0, OAuth, Social Auth, G Suite and O365

  1. Data

    Create entities through yaml configs and have APIs and API documentation created immediately. Access any data through APIs with advanced features like bulk query, custom DSL and relationship hierarchy. Query data through NLP based Chatbots and create dashboards.

  2. Content

    Store your images , videos and files in content stores and access them across the application through URLs

  1. Notifications

    Notify users through Email, SMS or In-App on key events with vendors like SendGrid , OneSignal and Twillio

  1. Integrations

    Integrate with external systems through APIs without any coding

  1. Deploy

    Deploy your applications to cloud provider of your choice like Google Cloud , AWS , Azure or BYOC

If you find this product interesting and would like to try it out, please visit this link and sign up for a demo