Hello, my name is Gayatri

I am a Product Manager based out of Hyderabad, India.

Product Manager
Design Enthusiast
Gayatri Pothukuchi smiling in a black and white image with dotted dress

Product Leadership

I believe Product Management is on the edge of next evolution and will become more versatile.

The day when a PMs can not just translate ideas into PRDs but convert them into working product(s), update them quickly and monitor them easily is when Product Management is truly eveolved!! I constantly work towards this goal in every activity I perform and wish to see this happening in the next few years.


Always a learner and constantly trying to learn new skills. I have learnt Figma, Vuejs, Astro, SQL, Shell Scripting and API Testing as well. I love to experiment my skills and this website has been built on Astro!!

Still a long way to go in my learning journey!


I like to constantly challenge myself and my diverse skillset is a indication of my mindset.

I started my journey as a regular IT employee but constantly tried different things like DevOps Engineer, SQL Developer, Frontend Developer and Product Manager. My journey as a startup enterpreneur has been an eye opener and I intend to continue my learning , building products and teaching about startups and enterpreneurship to others.